KiwiRail Holdings Limited
Goodwood Rail Bridge
SPG assisted KiwiRail Holdings by obtaining the necessary statutory approvals to undertake the replacement of Bridge 194 MSL on the Main South Line at Goodwood, Palmerston.
The replacement bridge spans the Pleasant River and required resource consent from the Otago Regional Council for instream works and discharges associated with construction of the new bridge piers and from Waitaki District Council for earthworks associated with the new bridge construction and construction laydown area, amendments to the alignment of Brooklands Road, and the new bridge abutments.
A large portion of the works also fell within the Designation for the Main South Line in the Waitaki District Plan and an Outline Plan Waiver was subsequently obtained from Waitaki District Council under S176 of RMA.
The planning processes involved consultation with thirteen different adjacent landowners and/or affected entities including Heritage New Zealand, Department of Conservation, Fish and Game, and Au Kaha. SPG was involved in successfully obtaining all the required approvals which included an on-site meeting with the affected landowners.
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RD Petroleum
Starting in grass-roots rural New Zealand, RD Petroleum has fuel sites across the South Island and supplies bulk fuel, home heating diesel, lubricants, fuel storage products, and aviation fuel across the South Island to the rural, residential and commercial sectors.