Post Office Precinct
SPG was engaged by Ngai Tahu Property Limited in 2001 as the planning consultant for the comprehensive redevelopment of a large commercial site located within central Queenstown. The project was titled the ‘Post Office Precinct’ (POP).
At the time the POP was proposed (and later developed), it was the largest commercial redevelopment in central Queenstown. Specifically, Ngai Tahu proposed to construct five new commercial/civic buildings in an overall comprehensive development of the site.
The high-profile redevelopment was presented with a number of important considerations from functional, heritage, urban design and ecological perspectives. After a publicly notified process, resource consent was obtained for the client.
Next project
Church Street Backpackers
SPG was engaged by GWBH Partnership in 2007 as the planning consultant for the development of a commercial building in central Queenstown.